Student Testimonials

I learned our bodies are very adaptable. No matter how much of a sedentary life you may have lived, there is always a starting point for fitness in your life. An attitude change about yourself is the first place to begin. This course offers instructions, encouragement, and change throughout. What I enjoyed the most about this class was the videos. The videos allowed you to experience all kinds of mishaps and successes in the privacy of your home. The second most thing I enjoyed was the instructor's availability. I never felt that she was unavailable. The changes have already started, with attitude, adaptability, diet, time management, and action. I was successful with the instructor's help in writing my own fitness program. I have now incorporated a lifestyle that is conducive to my everyday life that is healthy and more productive.

Jackie M.

I learned some excellent new exercise routines that I had never explored before. I tend to get stuck in my same old routine of running and weights, but have been looking for alternatives to subsidize my running because I want to save my knees. This class gave me those alternatives. My favorite part was probably establishing goals. I think that helped tremendously and I was able to achieve my 9-minute mile goal in my last 10k, which I'm very happy with. The changes I've made have been more activity during the work week, not just on weekends and adding different exercises.

Ervin P.

This class helped me get motivated and has encouraged me to spend more time focused on my fitness needs.

Tammy N.

This class taught me discipline as well as how to enjoy my everyday workouts. I really liked how we learned multiple exercise plans such as yoga, Pilates, stretching and kickboxing! My favorite part was the nutritional planning; it was very helpful and was active in helping me lose weight...SO HAPPY!!! lol. The changes have already been made and I'm so excited to see it go further. Recently, I started Irish Dancing again after a few years of a break, and am now training for traveling competition; it has always been a dream of mine, and this class gave me that extra boost of confidence to do so. I will continue to have a food diary and make workout plans a priority that will not easily be dropped! I have loved this class and had an amazing time getting to the happy place I am in now!

Laura F.

Students lose an average of 6 pounds and 1.5" around their waist!